Travel Experts Share Their Post-Travel Recovery Tips

There’s nothing worse than feeling like you need to take a vacation…… From your vacation. While travel is exciting and eye-opening, it can also be physically taxing, and physical exhaustion combined with post-holiday blues can always make it difficult to return to normal life. But there are many ways to make this transition a little easier, such as scheduling yourself an extra day of PTO, resisting the urge to take a nap, and — though we probably don’t want to do it — unpacking our bags as soon as we get home.

We talked to experienced travelers about pressing the reset button after a long trip. Listen to their advice, the only thing that weighs on your mind will be cherished memories of past trips.

“The best post-trip routine actually starts before you get home! Those daily habits that can help you feel your best – if you can, carry them with you. I find that drinking matcha or a cup of bone broth in the morning instead of airport food helps me stay balanced, especially when I don’t have full control over my schedule. You will enjoy your trip without letting the wheels fall off completely, and it will pay off at the other end.

Exercise after travel is also very important. I’ve found it helps me get my sleep cycle and digestion back in sync after I’m off the routine. Get back to your normal exercise routine as soon as possible – your body will thank you. — Lisa Odenweller, CEO and founder of Kroma Wellness

“If I’m traveling abroad or traveling for a longer period of time, I like to give myself at least one day to recover before I have to go back to work. On that day, I open my bags and take care of anything I need to do to prepare for the work week, such as buying groceries. – Kori Perten, Senior Editor at Thrillist

For me, the end of the trip is like the beginning of it: packing. When I got home, I immediately opened my bags and repacked them for my next trip. I like to store two sets of essentials in my carry-on luggage, including travel-sized toiletries and cosmetics, so need to replenish some items to prepare for my next trip. That way, I don’t have to worry about forgetting things, and I don’t have to make a lot of decisions throughout the process. I have a dedicated place at home to store travel items, including passports, electronic adapters, and other special items such as a travel-sized hair dryer or small umbrella for use as needed. – Juliana Broste, travel video journalist for TravelingJules

“As someone who has travelled for more than 20 years and traveled to more than 40 countries, I know a thing or two about readjustment and recovery. Although my technique has changed over the years, my recent habits include traveling internationally on as many night flights as possible; Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight to stay hydrated; Before I return to work or any other “normal life” responsibilities, I usually try to give myself at least 12 hours to readjust. If I can achieve three consecutive championships, then I can go! Nicole Cueto, FORA consultant and travel specialist

“After a long flight, it’s easy to want to stay in bed, especially if you don’t sleep well on the plane. This can be a huge mistake. Your body will follow its original rhythm, and eventually you will not be able to sleep all night and will feel tired the next day. If you do need to take a nap, take a short nap — a two-hour nap is enough to refresh and doesn’t interfere with your chances of getting a good night’s sleep.

Get some sun exposure. Our bodies are hardwired to respond to daylight – we want to wake up when the sun comes out and sleep when it’s dark. No matter how tired you feel during the day, try to take a walk in the sun to combat jet lag. When it’s finally bedtime, you may find that you didn’t fall asleep right away – even if you were on the verge of lethargy throughout the day. If this is the case, try to make your sleeping area as relaxing as possible. Keep the earbuds and eye mask you carry with you, and put away your electronics. Give yourself a 30 to 60-minute break, don’t use any electronic devices, turn on the fan to make a little white noise, and then close the curtains to get dark all around. – Skyscanner Global Travel Trends Specialist Laura Lindsay

If I’m adjusting to major time changes, sometimes I use a free app called Timeshifter, which creates a sleep routine before returning from a trip to help alleviate jet lag. Last year when I returned home on a 15-hour direct flight from Sydney to Vancouver, it worked well. – Bianca Bujan, travel writer and editor of Bits of Bee

“Since the body can only adapt to time changes of one to two hours per day, it’s best to start adjusting to the post-trip time zone at least a few days before your trip. So travel from east to west, try to go to bed late and get up late a few days before the trip. When traveling from west to east, the opposite is true – wake up early and go to bed early. Even with these strategies, recognize that when traveling from east to west, you may wake up early in the first few days and be less alert later in the day, so it’s best not to schedule any heavy activities later in the day. If [you] work, plan to go early and leave early. When traveling from the West, avoid scheduling appointments in the morning because the brain is still sleeping. – Dr. Gene Delaune, Senior Consultant, Allianz Travel Insurance

“When I come back from a trip, whether it’s an overnight stay or a two-week adventure, I do my laundry immediately. I’m lucky that I now have a washer and dryer in my apartment, but even before that, I would always dump my suitcases into baskets and trucking them to the laundromat as soon as possible. Sitting on an airplane all day can make a person feel like garbage, so wearing clothes that don’t smell like planes is an easy way to feel refreshed and ready to get back into family mode. – Meredith Heil, editorial director of Thrillist

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